
June blooming:

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Some rhodos of this spring.


Rowena Ridge: Balsamorhiza and Beyond

Balsamorhiza season is almost over. It is quite early this year. Everybody has already been shown meadows and mountains covered with balsamorhiza. Unfortunately, I missed the season this year, but I found last year’s photos from Rowena Ridge above Columbia River. This pace is easily . . . → Continue reading Rowena Ridge: Balsamorhiza and Beyond

Long Beach and sandpipers

More of winter. End of December on Long Beach, a really loooong beach near the Oregon border.

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Rough-skinned neurotoxic newt

Rough-skinned is a name (quite descriptional, it definitely has rough skin), neurotoxic – physiological property (not a temper, as some may think).

aka Taricha granulosa.

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Golden Larches of Ingalls Lake

After the total larch failure on Lake Robin, we decided to visit the place with guaranteed larches before all needles flew away. Our friend wanted to go with us to Ingalls Lake, and we decided that it is . . . → Continue reading Golden Larches of Ingalls Lake

Robin Lake and Granite Mountain pothole

After the beautiful hike to the larches of Augusta and Ida Lakes at the beginning of October, we decided that we should use the good weather in full, and go to the new larches right in next weekend.

Robin Lake was chosen. New place, we . . . → Continue reading Robin Lake and Granite Mountain pothole

Fireweed and Swallowtail

Silver Lake of North Cascades

A lake named Silver is not alone in our places. We have visited several of them. This exact lake is located in North Cascades.

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