Sea lions

This March we sailed with friends in the Anacortes island region. It was a beautiful time, thanks, guys. We wanted to see whales, but they didn’t come, fortunately, we found a small island covered with with sea lions. The lions roared, smelled, and were completely perfect. The . . . → Continue reading Sea lions

Snow Goat

More portraits of the goat с from Ingalls Lake.

. . . → Continue reading Snow Goat

Ingalls Lake and South Peak

Ingalls Lake we visited once before, and I wanted to come again for flower blooming and yellow larches.

In the middle of September, we came here hoping to see larches. The sky was covered with the smoke of nearby forest fires (last three years we have had . . . → Continue reading Ingalls Lake and South Peak

National symbol

As well known, a beaver is a national Canadian animal. Don’t ask me, why Canadians associate their-self with beavers. Just a fact. During the visit of a completely American park in Seattle, we met our national animal. The animal behaved untypically bold. It ate stick and didn’t give a shit . . . → Continue reading National symbol


I absolutely cannot understand, how this lardy body can relax on the log which is significantly finer. And it can also jump for a more comfortable position! Two more seal’s facial expressions:


Young marmots

Atacama. Vado Putana

Atacama. Geyser Valley El Tatio Atacama. San Pedro and Laguna Cejar

The Atacama, as many deserts, has some rivers. These rivers, like many desert rivers, not always appear on the surface, very often they hide underground. Places, where water . . . → Continue reading Atacama. Vado Putana

International Polar Bear Day

Happy day for all polar bears! I have found an unpublished bear family among my photos from Manitoba 2015. It is a good time now to return to them.

. . . → Continue reading International Polar Bear Day

Lions. An episode of Family Life

One would think what is common between lion and koala? However, they have one similar thing – they all sleep 20 hours per day. Yet, if koalas don’t have a choice, lions just very lazy.

Lion’s daily schedule doesn’t too rich. Besides long dream, one hour for . . . → Continue reading Lions. An episode of Family Life