Kootenai Falls

We found this place on our way back from Glacier Park. In Montana. Just about a kilometre from the highway. Short walk. Bay the way, it is the third waterfall in the US by flow rate. But the main thing – it is beautiful.

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Silver Falls in sunlight

Some places around us, even if they are not mountains, are so beautiful, that we visit them regularly. 9-miles circular Silver Falls trail in Oregon is such a place. The first time I was there three years ago; we walked in the rain . . . → Continue reading Silver Falls in sunlight

Silver Falls

My Oregon’s weekend was not restricted by freezing on the Dog Mountain. The next day we spent under the icy rain. For the love of the waterfalls. Oregon is famous for its waterfalls, but this place got the imagination even by Oregon’s standards. . . . → Continue reading Silver Falls

Mother Mount trail

In the middle of July we hiked around Mother Mount in the Mount Rainier National Park. The trail length is about 15 km with elevation gain about 500 meters. It is nice alpine trail with perfect view if this view is not totally covered with heavy fog how . . . → Continue reading Mother Mount trail

Teneriffe (Kamikaze) Falls

This is little hike near Settle that we made in January. I have no idea why this waterfall has such names. Description says that it is non-popular alternatives to Mt Si hike. Well, it was line to the top. I am afraid that I would never . . . → Continue reading Teneriffe (Kamikaze) Falls

Rainier from Paradise

In July my fried, that doesn’t share my passion to climb mountain, visited me. So all our beautiful places were visited in lazy way – no hiking, no climbing, just impression. Rainier from Paradise.

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Rusty waterfall

East part of Washington State is flat and grassy. Classical prairies. All you can see are some hills, rusty grass and cows. But every place has something special. For this place this is a waterfall. Palouse Fall. I was there in the middle of January, in . . . → Continue reading Rusty waterfall

Rocky Mountains – August 2011 – day six

Rocky Mountains previous: Day one Day two Ground squirrel Marmot Day three Day four – first half Day four – second half Day five Pika

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To us it was the . . . → Continue reading Rocky Mountains – August 2011 – day six