American bittern

This creature is not rare but quite asocial, misanthropic, and hidden. It usually walks gloomily in shallow water looking for fish, frogs, and other delicatessen. Bittern prefers overgrown marshes, so to meet and especially to see a bittern is not easy. Before this time, I saw . . . → Continue reading American bittern

Long Beach and sandpipers

More of winter. End of December on Long Beach, a really loooong beach near the Oregon border.

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Little Green Heron

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Cathedral Park. Ten years hence. White-tailed Ptarmigans

Cathedral Park. Ten years hence. Part One.

Aka Lagopus leucura. The smallest ptarmigans. Already started to change colour for winter. Soon will be completely white, just right for snow. Now they are so similar in colour to rocks and grass, that can be seen only when . . . → Continue reading Cathedral Park. Ten years hence. White-tailed Ptarmigans

Close to the Sun

The longest night of the year had just passed. Today is the shortest day. In several hours we will be in the closest to the Sun position. Because of this, it is so cold and dark. My household animal by all her body demonstrates what she thinks . . . → Continue reading Close to the Sun

White Pelican

Saw it recently in Eastern Washington. The bird has some strange growths on the beak, but looks healthy.

One more photo:

Wood Duck

Actually, the drake, females are much frugal. They nest in tree holes (or in nesting boxes that are built for them in wetlands everywhere now, after they were almost extinguished at the beginning of the last century). They also like to sin on the tree branches despite . . . → Continue reading Wood Duck

Great Blue Heron

In wide assortment – hinting, resting, flying, blaming, reflective and so on.

. . . → Continue reading Great Blue Heron

Pied-billed grebe

Pied-billed grebe aka Podilymbus podiceps. The bright colour of the beak for the wedding season. More grebe:

. . . → Continue reading Pied-billed grebe

Great Egret

Great Egret aka Ardea alba is a rare visitor of the Northwest coast. So more pleasant was to meet it.

. . . → Continue reading Great Egret