Mother Mount trail

In the middle of July we hiked around Mother Mount in the Mount Rainier National Park. The trail length is about 15 km with elevation gain about 500 meters. It is nice alpine trail with perfect view if this view is not totally covered with heavy fog how . . . → Continue reading Mother Mount trail

Red, blue and purple

More photos of our Lavender tour. B&B near Sequim. Lavender, poppies and cornflowers.

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Lavender fields around Sequim on Olympic peninsula. More:

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Skiing among Snow Ghosts

Three days of New Year vacation on Big White with friends. Skiing under winter sun with snow ghosts.

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Colchuk lake

Another summer hike near Leavenworth. It is relatively short, but nice. First miles you spend in forest and after you will see granite rocks and alpine lake.

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Hurricane Ridge

Another little piece of the last summer in the Olympic Park. Hurricane Ridge. I was here on my way from Olympus just to make couple photos. View from Hurricane Ridge:

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Continuation of report from “maternity home” of Port Moody

How I promised here is continuation of my august report from “maternity home” of Port Moody.

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Kayaking on False Creek

On Granville Island (Vancouver) you can rent kayak (the price is nice on Friday specially) and have a nice easy kayaking on False Creek, which is not creek actually, but narrow ocean inlet. False Creek is surrounded by city center, so kayaking is similar boulevard saunter. . . . → Continue reading Kayaking on False Creek

May in Minter garden

Mintern Garden is one of my lovely gardens in BC, but unfortunately it will be closed coming fall. So, this summer is a last time to visit this beautiful place.

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June Evening in Richmond

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