Silver Falls in sunlight

Some places around us, even if they are not mountains, are so beautiful, that we visit them regularly. 9-miles circular Silver Falls trail in Oregon is such a place. The first time I was there three years ago; we walked in the . . . → Continue reading Silver Falls in sunlight


Silver Falls

My Oregon’s weekend was not restricted by freezing on the Dog Mountain. The next day we spent under the icy rain. For the love of the waterfalls. Oregon is famous for its waterfalls, but this place got the imagination even by Oregon’s standards. . . . → Continue reading Silver Falls

Arnica meadows of the Dog Mountain

On last May weekend, I was invited to Oregon to admire arnica blooming. I wanted to see this scene for a couple years already but always missed the right time. It was last chance to do it this year because it was the end of the blooming . . . → Continue reading Arnica meadows of the Dog Mountain

Oregon beaches

Summer memories of last year.

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Vicinity of Mount Jefferson

Oregon, beginning of July

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Finally, the last and smallest part of John Day National Monument, Clarno Unit. Lava rocks and fossils.

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Sheep Rock

Sheep Rock is other part of John Day National Monument.

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Painted Hills

For a long time I though that Oregon is ocean beaches, waterfalls, and volcanoes. In fact Oregon is mainly the prairies with tumbleweeds and wind-mills. You can drive hours by hours and nothing will changes around you. In the middle of this unchangeable landscape there is a . . . → Continue reading Painted Hills

Mount Hood

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We tried climb Mount Hood that is in the Oregon state in last October, but was stopped very close to the summit by strong rockfalls. This debt didn’t give us to sleep peacefully, so . . . → Continue reading Mount Hood