Expectable Baker

After Adams, where our friend became familiar with crampons and an ice axe, it was only logical to continue her study on Mt Baker. It is lower than Adams, 3285 metres, but has a much more significant glacier, with . . . → Continue reading Expectable Baker

Summer Adams

Suddenly climbed Adams again. If you forgot or, probably, never know, Mt Adams is the second-highest volcano in Washington state, 3743 meters. It is covered with a nice glacier; no crevasses on the standart route; no need for rope, just crampons and an ice axe are required.

. . . → Continue reading Summer Adams

Atacama. Volcano Lascar and the car that we broke

Atacama. Laguna Lejia Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Fabian’s lizard and other occupants Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Flamingo Atacama. Horned coots Atacama. Cerro Toco Atacama. Vado . . . → Continue reading Atacama. Volcano Lascar and the car that we broke

Atacama. Cerro Toco

Atacama. Vado Putana Atacama. Geyser Valley El Tatio Atacama. San Pedro and Laguna Cejar

It was nice to relax and drive around, but we came in the Atacama for acclimatization in the first place, so . . . → Continue reading Atacama. Cerro Toco

Atacama. Geyser Valley El Tatio

Atacama. San Pedro and Laguna Cejar

After Laguna Cejar we decided that it is time to visit some place with higher elevation. We choose Geyser Valley El Tatio. It locates north of San Pedro, near the border with Bolivia. It is the edge . . . → Continue reading Atacama. Geyser Valley El Tatio

Shasta and Shastina. Part Two

Part One

I should say that Shasta is a very popular place, and a lot of people could be met on her slopes.

First, she is relatively easily accessible for her elevation. I mean, she is not technically difficult compare to Mt Ranier, . . . → Continue reading Shasta and Shastina. Part Two

Shasta and Shastina. Part One

Mount Shasta (4322 meters) is the second-highest mountain of the Cascade Range after Mt Rainier. She is not our backyard mountain, but close enough, that often brings the thoughts about coming to her.

We climbed . . . → Continue reading Shasta and Shastina. Part One

Mt Shasta by single push – 2015

Mount Shasta with her 4322 meters of elevation is a second peak in Cascades after Rainier. She doesn’t have a close neighbourhood and proudly erects above Californian flats (her prominence is almost 3000 meters). We planned to . . . → Continue reading Mt Shasta by single push – 2015

Mt Rainier again

Every year I and Co climb Mt Rainier. Well, not exactly every year, but sometimes we do it twice a year, so, on average every year. Hereyou can see some of these climbs with photos. Last year we planned but didn’t have a . . . → Continue reading Mt Rainier again

Mt Rainier – 2014

If you live in Washington state, you have no chance to avoid Rainier climbing at least once in couple years. In 2014 we decided to spend night higher when usual, maybe even in the crater. Muir rout . . . → Continue reading Mt Rainier – 2014