
After our Waters and Wines of North Burgundy trip, we had three more days before our flight back home, so for two of them we devoted to Lyon. Actually, for Lyon itself, we had one whole day and several . . . → Continue reading Lyon

Town walk

Pullman stands on sevenи hills. Plenty of places, green and blooming. Especially in spring. And the clouds here are beautiful.

. . . → Continue reading Town walk

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Corbigny

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Joigny Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Auxerre Waters . . . → Continue reading Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Corbigny

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Coteaux de Tannay and Melon de Bourgogne

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Joigny Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Auxerre Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Auxerre . . . → Continue reading Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Coteaux de Tannay and Melon de Bourgogne

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Tannay

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Joigny Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Auxerre Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Auxerre . . . → Continue reading Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Tannay

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Clamecy

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Joigny Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Auxerre Waters . . . → Continue reading Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Clamecy

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Clamecy

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Joigny Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Auxerre Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Auxerre . . . → Continue reading Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Clamecy

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Vezelay

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Joigny Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Auxerre Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Auxerre . . . → Continue reading Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Vezelay

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Châtel-Censoir

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Joigny Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Auxerre Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Auxerre . . . → Continue reading Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Châtel-Censoir

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Irancy

Waters and Wines of North Burgundy Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Joigny Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Way to Auxerre Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Auxerre . . . → Continue reading Waters and Wines of North Burgundy. Irancy