Shasta and Shastina. Part Two

Part One

I should say that Shasta is a very popular place, and a lot of people could be met on her slopes.

First, she is relatively easily accessible for her elevation. I mean, she is not technically difficult compare to Mt Ranier, . . . → Continue reading Shasta and Shastina. Part Two

Shasta and Shastina. Part One

Mount Shasta (4322 meters) is the second-highest mountain of the Cascade Range after Mt Rainier. She is not our backyard mountain, but close enough, that often brings the thoughts about coming to her.

We climbed Shasta four . . . → Continue reading Shasta and Shastina. Part One

Mt Shasta by single push – 2015

Mount Shasta with her 4322 meters of elevation is a second peak in Cascades after Rainier. She doesn’t have a close neighbourhood and proudly erects above Californian flats (her prominence is almost 3000 meters). We planned to . . . → Continue reading Mt Shasta by single push – 2015

Salmon and Champagne

From one of San Francisco restaurants:

Sunsets of two oceans

Atlantic. Key West

Pacific. Golden Gate

Midday Flight



White pelican

Pelican lives in San Diego zoo. More:

Cormorant family

Cormorant are defiantly tender in family life. Every time when cormorant-male return to the nest he brings new branch for their house (cormorant nest is big pile of branches built disorderly). This new branch is solemnly presented to cormorant-female. She accepts and the quickly do sex (birds . . . → Continue reading Cormorant family


Antelope-he met antelope-she. She was so beautiful. He whispered desirable words to her…