Little Green Heron

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I do see you

The promenade of the little green heron

Far-far away, in warm Florida, on the Big Pine Island, on the mangroves branch above the little pond, the little green heron sat. And looked in the water with extreme attention. Because if look somewhere long enough, you can see something interesting.

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The longest and darkest night of the year is here. The shortest day follows it.

Roseate spoonbill

Despite flamingo, the world of pink birds also has Roseate spoonbill aka Platalea ajaja. They live along the Atlantic coast from Argentina to Florida in the wet and warm environment. They catch their food (invertebrates, small frogs and fish) moving their fanny bills in the water. This . . . → Continue reading Roseate spoonbill

You snooze, you lose. Second incident

First incident

Even your family is not seagulls, or you don’t have a family at al.

Young lizard caught a huge insect. Something like mole cricket.

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Royal tern ака Thalasseus maximus. They inhabit sandy beaches of the south of North America from New York to Los Angeles. When they don’t catch fish, they rest on the beach.

. . . → Continue reading Terns


Little Green heron aka Butorides virescens sat on the log right in the middle of Florida bogs and sharply looked in the water.

. . . → Continue reading Hunting


Willet aka Catoptrophus semipalmatus.

. . . → Continue reading Willet

You snooze, you lose. First incident

Especially if you are a seagull. Young sea-gull found somewhere a piece of fish.

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