
June blooming:

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Some rhodos of this spring.


Rowena Ridge: Balsamorhiza and Beyond

Balsamorhiza season is almost over. It is quite early this year. Everybody has already been shown meadows and mountains covered with balsamorhiza. Unfortunately, I missed the season this year, but I found last year’s photos from Rowena Ridge above Columbia River. This pace is easily . . . → Continue reading Rowena Ridge: Balsamorhiza and Beyond

Third time on Dog Mt for Balsamroot

Another Balsamroot spring trip. At the end of the May third time hiker on the Dog Mt. The mountain is on the Colombia river side, and above tree level is completely covered with Balsamroot.

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Last spring Gingko. One more:


Last spring. Corokia cotoneaster ака wire-netting bush.

Rainy Rhododendrons

I am waiting for spring, but we have winter back, thanks bastard Phil. I have some spring preserves from the previous year, and will share them till the new spring come finally. Today wet rhododendrons.

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Close to the Sun

The longest night of the year had just passed. Today is the shortest day. In several hours we will be in the closest to the Sun position. Because of this, it is so cold and dark. My household animal by all her body demonstrates what she thinks . . . → Continue reading Close to the Sun

Skagit Valley Cold Spring

Despite our untypically cold spring, tulips are blooming.

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