Penis intrepid

Yesterday’s hike brought to us the acquaintance with some nice mushrooms. Phallus impudicus aka Common stinkhorn. The name correlates not only with shape but also with the size. The biggest one that we met was about 20 cm long. The growth speed also fit into the concept . . . → Continue reading Penis intrepid

Enchantment Lakes in July

We have visited Enchantment Lakes thrice already (fall, spring), but we never been in July here, so, when our friend invited us to share their permit (during the season you need permit that is very difficult to get), we . . . → Continue reading Enchantment Lakes in July

Breakfast for two

Rocky Mountains – August 2011 – fungi

Rocky Mountains previous: Day one Day two Ground squirrel Marmot Day three Day four – first half Day four – second half Day five Pika Day six Day seven -Sentinel Pass Sentinel Pass – Ground Squirrel

Here is a collection of selected examples . . . → Continue reading Rocky Mountains – August 2011 – fungi