
June blooming:

. . . → Continue reading Whitish


Some rhodos of this spring.



Last spring. Corokia cotoneaster ака wire-netting bush.

Rainy Rhododendrons

I am waiting for spring, but we have winter back, thanks bastard Phil. I have some spring preserves from the previous year, and will share them till the new spring come finally. Today wet rhododendrons.

. . . → Continue reading Rainy Rhododendrons

Close to the Sun

The longest night of the year had just passed. Today is the shortest day. In several hours we will be in the closest to the Sun position. Because of this, it is so cold and dark. My household animal by all her body demonstrates what she thinks . . . → Continue reading Close to the Sun

National symbol

As well known, a beaver is a national Canadian animal. Don’t ask me, why Canadians associate their-self with beavers. Just a fact. During the visit of a completely American park in Seattle, we met our national animal. The animal behaved untypically bold. It ate stick and didn’t give a shit . . . → Continue reading National symbol

March. White and Pink

By strange circumstances of my life, I couldn’t return home for two months, and as result, moved from January directly to April. Here now everything is white and pink, and also yellow. Although the spring is cold and wet, . . . → Continue reading March. White and Pink


Blooming tree

Edgeworthia chrysantha ака Oriental paperbush From one of the Seattle’s garden.