Robin Lake and Granite Mountain pothole

After the beautiful hike to the larches of Augusta and Ida Lakes at the beginning of October, we decided that we should use the good weather in full, and go to the new larches right in next weekend.

Robin Lake was chosen. New place, we have never been here before, but in the lovely region of Alpine Lake Wilderness, which we know well and love. The altitude is appropriate for larches, plenty of them nearby, and somebody marked this lake as one of the best to visit larches.

What I can say? On one side, if thinking in larches terms, this hike was a total epic fail. On the other side, we discovered the beautiful alpine lake county.

We started on Friday after work to save Saturday daytime from driving. The trailhead is well-known, it is the same as for Mt Daniel, only the trail goes in different directions. We had time until darkness to hike to Hayk Lake, where set our tent for the night.

Morning with fogs

and reflections.

We parked and started our way up. Mushrooms are on the way.

It is relatively high, 1600 meters in altitude, but still in a forest zone. The ascent to Tuck Lake is steep and stony, but the trail is quite visible.


Mountain ashes.

Tuck lake относительно сверху.

Here is the firs larch!

Look at it! Actually, it is one of two larches that grow around the lake. At this one is still quite far from the lake.

Well, Robin lake is not too far.

It was a little bit too crowded on the lake, but we found the perfect place right near the water. View from the camp.

Set the tent, and made some tea. At this time the landlord of these boulders visited us.

Banana cheeps are better than almonds.

After tea with the chipmunk, went for a hike to Trico Mountain.

Firs along the Robin lake,

and up.

The place around the Robin Lake and Granite Mt is called Granite Mountain pothole. It is a region of myriad lakes of different sizes. Wet world. The biggest lakes have personal names, but most do not.

Robin Lake.

Some little ponds dried up after a hot summer.

Blueberry in the sunlight.

Steps of lakes.

Another lake.

Another little larch, but we are already pretty far from the Robin Lake.

On the ridge of the Trico Mt.

Going to the highest point.

Trico Mt

Going back

to our tent on Robin Lake.

The night was very warm, especially for October and 2000 meters of elevation, but at the same time clear with plenty of stars.
Mt Daniel at the morning light.

We went to Granit Mt that just right above Robin Lake.

Other side of the ridge.

Robin Lake.

Behind the ridge..

We are on Granite Mt, Robin Lake is behind us.

here is also plenty of lakes.



Going down to Robin Lake.

Had some tea, said buy-buy to the chipmunk, and went down. More Robin Lake is on our way.On the way to the car collected some mushrooms for

Collected some mushrooms for supper on our way to the car.
Beautiful place, and we love it, but definitely not a place for larch seeing.

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