
June blooming:

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Some rhodos of this spring.


Tulips of this Spring

Spring without tulips is not a real spring. At least in my current geographical location. So, the annual visit to Skagit Valley.

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Last summer was rich on the subject. Hawthorn is an ideal decorative shrub, the only amount of species is more than a thousand, not counting varieties.

English hawthorn.

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Last spring Gingko. One more:


Last spring. Corokia cotoneaster ака wire-netting bush.

Rainy Rhododendrons

I am waiting for spring, but we have winter back, thanks bastard Phil. I have some spring preserves from the previous year, and will share them till the new spring come finally. Today wet rhododendrons.

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Skagit Valley Cold Spring

Despite our untypically cold spring, tulips are blooming.

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