CRAW. Update. 3023-milepost in my rearview mirror.

You might already forget, but we still CRAWling around the world. I feel today is a good day to give you an update. In 115 days I biked (and moved by other means) 3023 miles (4861.5 km), which is 1/10 of the total race distance. So, I have completed my race part (there are 10 . . . → Continue reading CRAW. Update. 3023-milepost in my rearview mirror.

CRAw. Update. Half of the way done.

We are done with Australia and moved into Oceania (the 6th region). I personally made 2000 miles since the beginning in September. And we are in the middle of our way (of our 32200 total miles).

CRAW. Update. Bye-bye Antarctica, Hello Australia.

Two months passed since our race started. We are done with Antarctica (fouth region), moved into Australia (fifth region), and already done almost 300 miles here. Our team made 12260 miles, and keep 5th place. I am personally biked/ran/hiked/kayaked 1509 miles. So, we are continuing.

CRAW. Update. Antarctica

I hadn’t made updates about our virtual race around the world for a long time. Today is a good reason to do so. Our team have moved to the fourth region, Antarctica and done about 100 miles here. Thus, up today our team made 8880 miles for 1.5 months. It is on the 5th place . . . → Continue reading CRAW. Update. Antarctica

Circumpolar Race Around the World

This year is quite a weir, and we don’t have a chance for any fascinating adventure. Hoverer, a year without a big challenge is not a good year, so we decided to make a big challenge at home.

The virtual race around the world. Well, the race is . . . → Continue reading Circumpolar Race Around the World