Rough-skinned neurotoxic newt

Rough-skinned is a name (quite descriptional, it definitely has rough skin), neurotoxic – physiological property (not a temper, as some may think).

aka Taricha granulosa.

At the end of December, on our way to the seaside, we stopped in the small forest park for some rest. The newt also had a walk. Well, it was relatively warm, but it was still winter, and it was amphibia. Surprisingly, December is a time for marriages among rough-skinned newts. What a strange habits. Well, it was alone and probably didn’t meet its fiancĂ©e yet. Or fiancĂ©.

Neurotoxic newts live on the West Coast, from California to Alaska. They never passed mountains, except for one small population near Moscow, Idaho. Somebody brought them to this place, and they settled.

The newt produces tetrodotoxin from skin glands. Tetrodotoxin blocks sodium channels that inhibit neurons’ ability to conduct electric signals. Result – many unpleasant symptoms and asphyxia death. The same toxin is produced by some other creature, for example, the famous puffer. Actually, the toxin is produced by symbiotic bacteria, but for end-users, it is not so important. Hoverer, for tragical end the newt should be eaten.
Conclusion – don’t eat rough-skinned newt! They are so cute.
People rarely have been affected by newt’s toxicity, however, there was one case when some Oregonian ate a newt with expecting results.
Don’t eat newt and everybody will be happy. Including newts.

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