Atacama. Volcano Lascar and the car that we broke

Atacama. Laguna Lejia Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Fabian’s lizard and other occupants Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Flamingo Atacama. Horned coots Atacama. Cerro Toco Atacama. Vado . . . → Continue reading Atacama. Volcano Lascar and the car that we broke

Atacama. Laguna Lejia

Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Fabian’s lizard and other occupants Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Flamingo Atacama. Horned coots Atacama. Cerro Toco Atacama. Vado Putana Atacama. Geyser Valley . . . → Continue reading Atacama. Laguna Lejia

Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Fabian’s lizard and other occupants

Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Flamingo Atacama. Horned coots Atacama. Cerro Toco Atacama. Vado Putana Atacama. Geyser Valley El Tatio Atacama. San Pedro and Laguna . . . → Continue reading Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Fabian’s lizard and other occupants

Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Flamingo

Atacama. Horned coots Atacama. Cerro Toco Atacama. Vado Putana Atacama. Geyser Valley El Tatio Atacama. San Pedro and Laguna Cejar

Next day after Cerro Toco we for . . . → Continue reading Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Flamingo

Atacama. Horned coots

Atacama. Cerro Toco Atacama. Vado Putana Atacama. Geyser Valley El Tatio Atacama. San Pedro and Laguna Cejar

There is a family Rallidae. They are intermediate size bird of order Gruiformes. They . . . → Continue reading Atacama. Horned coots

Atacama. Cerro Toco

Atacama. Vado Putana Atacama. Geyser Valley El Tatio Atacama. San Pedro and Laguna Cejar

It was nice to relax and drive around, but we came in the Atacama for acclimatization in the first place, so . . . → Continue reading Atacama. Cerro Toco

Atacama. Vado Putana

Atacama. Geyser Valley El Tatio Atacama. San Pedro and Laguna Cejar

The Atacama, as many deserts, has some rivers. These rivers, like many desert rivers, not always appear on the surface, very often they hide underground. Places, where water . . . → Continue reading Atacama. Vado Putana

Atacama. Geyser Valley El Tatio

Atacama. San Pedro and Laguna Cejar

After Laguna Cejar we decided that it is time to visit some place with higher elevation. We choose Geyser Valley El Tatio. It locates north of San Pedro, near the border with Bolivia. It is the edge . . . → Continue reading Atacama. Geyser Valley El Tatio

Atacama. San Pedro and Laguna Cejar

The main aim of our winter travel to Chilie was climbing Ojos del Saldo, the highest volcano in the world. It is also pretty high in absolute numbers, 6893 meters, so required acclimatisation. Acclimatisation near the Ojos, as most climbers do, is very boring and uncomfortable – . . . → Continue reading Atacama. San Pedro and Laguna Cejar

Eastern Island. Part Five

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four

So, the aborigines suddenly appeared out of the thin air. Actually, they appeared from underground. Eastern Island, as any volcanic island, is completely . . . → Continue reading Eastern Island. Part Five