More and more traditional Crystal Lake

Crystal Lake and its neighbourhood in Rainier NP become a pretty traditional place for hiking with friends, when I need a picturesque but not too strenuous hike in the mountains.

The last time I went here with a friend in last September, this year I was here with another friend in the middle of July.

The only negative point of this hike was that it happened on the weekend, and it was too crowded. However, the weather was good, and the views were nice as usual.

This year Rainier took off its snow coat very early.

Unusual horizontal rainbow above the lower lake.

Not very bright but clear.

A nice family of coprinuses. On our way back we collected them, brought them home and cooked. I knew that they are edible, but never tried them before. Very good, actually.

Upper lake.

From the Upper Crystal Lake, we ascended to the pass and traversed to another pass behind the first way. Same way as we did the previous time.

There is Adams behind the second pass.

On the pass.

Rock climber.

Behind the pass.

I want to come here in the blooming time. Better not during a weekend.

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