Rowena Ridge: Balsamorhiza and Beyond

Balsamorhiza season is almost over. It is quite early this year. Everybody has already been shown meadows and mountains covered with balsamorhiza. Unfortunately, I missed the season this year, but I found last year’s photos from Rowena Ridge above Columbia River. This pace is easily accessible and very popular, but still quite pictures.

On our way up. Views of Columbia, flowers, and oak groves.

Adams appears.

Then we are higher than more spacious views and more diverse flowers becomes.

Mt Hood appears

opposite to Mt Adams.

Besides the hike to the Ridge with Balsamorhiza meadows and Mt Adams and Mt Hood view, there is a trail along Columbia River from the same parking lot. Also nice views and plenty of flowers.

Echinocystis aka wild cucumber.

A microplant, which name I cannot remember.

More views of Columbia River.

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