Big Heart Lake and Beyond

Three years ago , during afternoon hike, we explored Copper Lake and Little Heart Lake. This is Alpine Lake Wilderness, and amount of alpine lakes here is enormous. From some points of view, you can see at least four lakes at the same time. The trail to the Little Heart Lake goes further to the Big Heart Lake, иand more furthers to other lakes. It is impossible to visit all of them for one day, but we made a note to do another hike in the future, deeper in area.

Thus, at the last weekend of July, we remembered this note, engaged our comrade, and started our 2-day hike. The plan was to come to the Big Heart Lake, spend here a night, hike to Chetwoot Lake and go back home.


VERY BIG TREE near the beginning of the trail, and we can’t pass it without new hugging.

Cooled near the little waterfall on the middle of the way to Copper lake.

The heat was awful, I constantly wanted to dip into the water. Finally, I did it on Capper Lake, where we stopped for lunch. I would be glad to stay in the lake forever, but my comrades insisted on continuing our dry way up.
So, I kissed my prince last time, said him good-by, and left the lake waters.

Big Heart Lake became not so friendly as Copper, which has many nice convenient descents to the water. The sides of Big Hert Lake are steep and high. Actually, you can reach water only in the place where the river flows out of the lake. Only a couple of camping places near the water, the rest should set their tents much higher than the water level. There is plenty of space and a nice view, but every time you need water, you should organize an expedition. Fortunately, we found a place not too far from the river. Well, the tents in the photo are not ours, but some more luckier persons.

As on any lake in our mountains below the tree level, the corner with the river is completely covered with dead trees.

Wateк also was not as warm as in Copper Lake. The elevation difference is not dramatic, but Big Heat Lake is bigger and deeper and still has a snow patch on its far (despite of the hot spring and summer) that cools its water.
Of course, I jumped in the lake anyway (how I can go to sleep without it), but I didn’t have the intention to swim until my comrades pushed me away, as in Copper Lake.

On the bright side, the river that connects The Big Heart Lake and the Delta Lake is a waterfall.

We had a nice evening (even mosquitos were not too aggressive), had a good night’s sleep, and in the morning started to ascent on the ridge between Big Heart Lake and Angeline Lake.
The ridge is steep and narrow, the trail follows it, and every time we see one or another lake. The trail is rocky, going up and down, and it takes time to pass it.

Big Heart Lake

Peer cosplays Lewis and Clark. Of course, they are two different persons but can be considered as one.

Delta Lake.

The snow patch that cools the waters of Bir Heart Lake.

Turned to the Angelina Lake direction.

And again back to Big heart Lake.

We are ascending to the divide of Big Heart, Angelina, and Chetwoot Lakes.

The divide itself is also covered with a chain of tiny lakes.

Some of them have princes.

Not only princes inhabit this place. Pikas also. And pikas loves mushrooms.

We are continuing to go up.

And up.

Big Heart Lake on the left, and House of Princes on the right.

On the top, we found a beautiful little non-name lake surrounded by white granites. Right behind it was a steed descent to Chetwoot Lake, but we already didn’t have time to go further and just spent some time near the little lake.

The water in the lake was just perfect to swim. I didn’t want to leave it.

Yet, it was time to go back to Big Heart Lake, and to home.

We spent some more time with waterfall on the Big Heart Lake.

Back home. Good place, definitely we will come here again.

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