I do see you

Painted Turtle

aka Chrysemys picta. More:

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You snooze, you lose. Second incident

First incident

Even your family is not seagulls, or you don’t have a family at al.

Young lizard caught a huge insect. Something like mole cricket.

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Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Fabian’s lizard and other occupants

Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Flamingo Atacama. Horned coots Atacama. Cerro Toco Atacama. Vado Putana Atacama. Geyser Valley El Tatio Atacama. San Pedro and Laguna . . . → Continue reading Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Fabian’s lizard and other occupants

Aconcagua. Puento del Lenas

Aconcagua. Start

December 19

Actual start.

Couple words about logistic. Aconcagua is a very commercial mountain. Many companies are ready to take your money and guide you to the summit with the company of guides, porters, cooks, and other staff. Actually, most people climb . . . → Continue reading Aconcagua. Puento del Lenas

My Greek Vacation. Athena. Kerameikos

Kerameikos (Κεραμεικός) is another nook of the antic Athena where philosophical reflections easily substitute all other thoughts. Actually it is a cemetery, antic cemetery. Pericles, for example, is buried here. The name Kerameikos came from the bigger area that included the cemetery. Potters lived here.

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Sheep Rock

Sheep Rock is other part of John Day National Monument.

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Cactus eater

Wild iguana from Key West. More iguana:

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