Ronning’s garden

My beloved Vancouver Island is famous by its gardens. Butchard’s Garden, for example, is known around the world.
But not only Victoria neighborhood can pleased a garden-lover, the north of the Island also has its own beautiful garden. This garden is very different from Butchard’s one, but it doesn’t make it less nicer. Ronning’s garden is quit historic for Canada, it is more then hundred year old. The garden was founded in 1910 by Brent Ronning, one of the Danish people that believed in promising of Canadian government to develop this region (that actually mean – to build the normal road to the north of island), moved to the Canada and founded the settlement on north of Vancouver island. The road was not built, other settlers moved out soon, but Ronning left, did fishing and tapering for living and founded the garden, where he growth from seeds plenty of plants from around the world. The garden flourished and expanded until Ronnong’s death in 60-s. After it grown feeble for decades without human care, but last years local people remembered about the garden and started to nurse it and recover.

The way to the garden is not easy. More then one hour by unpaved road to the west from Port Hardy (5 km before Cape Scott Park entrance).

Middle of the Aprile for the north of island is the still early spring, so only lily were blooming.

and daffodils

In the summer it would be much more of everything.

In the garden there are numerous amount of the trees from the whole world. But it would be better to see latter in the summer again, because in the middle of the April no leaves on the trees were presented.

Yew is completely poison, but so beautiful.

And the garden’s pride – very-very-very old araucaria (Monkey puzzle tree). Actually, several years ago there were two of them: girl and boy (araucaria is dioecious plant), and for long yeasr of family life they produced a lot of baby-araucarias, that now grow around the garden.

Adult araucaria

The couple of its kids

And other one

Everything is covered by deep moss, as it supposed to be in rain forest.

and by ferns

There are also many fanny, integrated into the plant old rust irons.

Without the symbol of the province any garden in BC doesn’t exist.

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