My Greek Vacation. Athena. Evzones

After two days in Athena my friend complained that she still doesn’t have image of the typical modern Greek man in her mind, so we went to the Sunday parade of Evzones. If 120 selected (to became an Evzone a man must be hansom and at least 187 cm high among other dignities) Greek men cannot form such image, nobody can.

First Evzone battalions were formed at the beginning of Greek War of Independence. Their main task was the guarding the frontier. They always have been elite troops and have had heroic reputation. Since the middle of XX century the Evzones form the Presidential Guard and take precedence in all military parades.

The uniform of Evzones is not for easy life. An Evzone has 45 minutes for dressing. Rare woman allows herself so many time for this procedure. An officer, however, has only 25 minutes, but he has huge experience.

An evzone in ceremonial uniform:

All parts of the uniform have historical roots and symbolical meaning.
A shirt, a skirt (foustanella) and stockings are white. White color symbolize pure intentions.
The foustanella has 400 pleats (it made from 30 meters of cloth!) that represent the 400 years of Ottoman occupation.
The hat, farion, is red. Red color symbolizes the blood that was shed for the freedom of Greece.
Black kaltsodetes (the garters for stockings) together with black tassel of the farion and black pompons of the tsarouchi symbolize the sorrow over the fallen on the battles.
The tsarouchi, red leather clogs, are very impressive. Each clog has under the sole from 60 to 120 nails, depending on the size. On average each tsarouchi weighs approximately 1.5 kilos.

Good view of the tsarouchi:

The waistcoat is an exact copy of the waistcoat of Theodoros Kolokotronis, the hero of War for Independence.

They are armed with a M1 Garand, the American semi-automatic rifle World II War , with bayonet.

Except regular uniform (well, the word “regular” is nor sound properly) there is also Island uniform that has elements of uniform of soldiers form Aegean Islands. During parades several evsones always wear Island uniform. It symbolizes Greece unity. Blue color is dominate in Island uniform. Blue symbolizes Greek sky and sea.

This is an officer. A tassel of his farion is shorter, and skirt is longer. It has red trousers and red with gold boots. Actually officers wear a lot of gold. The gold color symbolizes brave victories.

Officers are armed with saber called pala. Such type of sabers evzones used in the beginning of XIX century.
Brave officer in profile and evzone in islander uniform behind him.

Every day evzones guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers in Synragma Square. Here they can be seen any time. Only you cannot come too close. Since the Guards are required to be totally still at all times police protect them from harasses.

Every pair guards one hour. 15 minutes they stay still, then march along each other, and again stay still.

After a little march:

Their movements are very complicated and inconvenient.

Returned on place. The soldier in common uniform fix his uniform, because a guard cannot move, but must look perfect.

Set time for next march.

Every Sunday and 11 am whole Guard with its officers and a military band march from the Guard Barracks to the Tomb for the Change, and back.

Evzones on march from different points of view:

To be continue …..

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