My Greek vacation. Santorini. Pyrgos

Pyrgos is a small town in the middle of the island, and, in my opinion, it is the most beautiful and interesting town of Santorini. It locates on the steep hill, and, actually, covers the hill from all sides. It is impossible to drive a car inside the town, streets are very narrow, only for humans or donkeys. And you don’t more need a car, the town is very small, it takes only couple hours to study all its corners. There is a huge church on the top of the hill.

Traditionall map:

The last place for cars:

The typical town street, it is relatively wide, actually:

More streets:


Shops takes part of their products to the streets:

Cats in love:

Going future and higher:

Other towns:

From the top of the hill:

I guess you are ready to ask about black and white round thins, that can be seen everywhere in the town.

These are tins. White ones are new, black – used. They are filled with sawdust soaked with some tar. I was on Santorini at the Eastern week. Whole week people cover all plane surfaces of Pyrgos (especially the church) with these tins. On Sunday night they set a fire n all tins. it should be fantastic. It is pity that it was impossible for us to spent this night on the island.

On the top> near the church



To be continued…

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