Icicle Ridge

At the end of June, we hiked one of the trails of Icicle Ridge that is near Leavenworth. The ridge is huge and has many trails. Previously I made several times 4th of July trail, the new one is locked in the western part of the ridge, and after the pass leads to the alpine meadow with plenty of lakes named by ladies name. The plan was to pass to the lakes, spend a night where and walk around them.

Somebody lost the tail and grows a new one.

The ascent is typical for Icicle Ridge steep serpentine trail. Its first part goes through the forest, but on the top, it shows a nice open view.

Snow is still present.

Marmots don’t like our presence.

Pasque flowers (Pulsatilla) bloom.

The northern side of the ridge had much more snow. Actually, just behind the pass, the trail was under the snow and didn’t intend to appear till next pass. We looked to the snow, to the sneakers on our feet and decided that it is too early yet. We planed to enjoy lakes and meadows, not huge snowfield. However the place behind the pass looked promising, so we plan to return here in late summer or even in early autumn.

At this time we just went back down, spent the night on the base of the ridge and drove to Leavenworth for beer and wursts.

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