Valhalla Lake and Mount Mc Causland

To the third weekend of August, we realized that we wanted to do some nice hike, but it should be pretty lazy. For such case, we had reserved idea – a hike relatively near home with a night in the forest.

Valhalla lake can be reached by PCT (Pacific-crest trail) from the trailhead on Stevens pass.

The trail starts in the forest among spruces and mushrooms.

After it ascents to screes and porcini.

The trail passes Valhalla lake and continues to the north.

We stayed at the lake.

The lake is nice, deep, clean, perfect for swimming. The only disadvantage – too many people. However, we found the bank piece for us only.

There are two mountains above the lake. In the morning of the next day, we visited one of them, Mount Mc Causland.

View from the lake to another mountain, Lichtenberg Mountain.

View of Lichtenberg Mountain from Mount Mc Causland.

Actually all views frm Mount Mc Causland are beautiful.

Mt Glacier

Mt Baker

and other mountains

Another little lake on the other side of the mountain.

Return way brought many nice porcini for our dinner.

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