Lions. An episode of Family Life

One would think what is common between lion and koala? However, they have one similar thing – they all sleep 20 hours per day. Yet, if koalas don’t have a choice, lions just very lazy.

Lion’s daily schedule doesn’t too rich. Besides long dream, one hour for wake up (to stretch, to scratch, to pee), a couple of hours for hunting, and one hour for a meal. And back to sleep again. It is on average, of course. Sometimes some non-planned activities happen – fight with neighbours lion or play with kiddo. At the same time, if the hunting was successful, a meal can be consumed for several days ahead (a lion need 5-7 kg of meat per day, but can consume about 30 kg in time) and nothing will interrupt a good sleep for days.

We met the company of the lion and two lionesses in the Crater Ngorongoro. They had a good hung a couple of days ago, and now were full-bellied, happy and lazy.

We had a big chance to see nothing except unmoved bodies, but one lioness was in heat. She thought for a long time that she wants more, dream or sex, and sex finally won.

The lioness waked up.

Yawned for a while.

Stood up veeeery slowly.

And started to seek out for the attention of her husband, who dreamed sweetly.

She tried everything.

The lion didn’t react. Good sleep is much healthier and more useful than any love! The lioness tired and crashed near him.

She still was restless.

Nothing happened for some time.

Meanwhile, the second lioness tired to sleep and started to roll

lick herself

scratch herself

and listen to partners activity.

The first lioness became restless again

and came to her husband.

Finally, the lion realized that there are no chances to sleep peacefully further and would be easy to give her what she wants that resist.

Matrimonial duties were performed.

The wife is satisfied and he can return to his dreams.

Why? Why she stands up again?!

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