Atacama. Laguna Lejia

Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Fabian’s lizard and other occupants
Atacama. Laguna Chaxa. Flamingo
Atacama. Horned coots
Atacama. Cerro Toco
Atacama. Vado Putana
Atacama. Geyser Valley El Tatio
Atacama. San Pedro and Laguna Cejar

On the next day after our visit to flamingo, we went to another salt lake, this time high-altitude one, Laguna Lejia. It locates on the edge of Altiplano, 4300 metres, that is good for acclimatization.
While the road was on low altitude (well, 2500 metres), it was a real desert around.

Only some red flowers bloomed.

However, increasing elevation brought new life forms.

The real bush around.

Vicunas in the bush.

With our ascent, different types of plants replace each other.

The laguna ahead of us.

This place is also a National park, so walking is allowed only on the trails, and no chance to come closer to water.

Some bushed blooming.

Lupines! They can grow really everywhere.

Vicunas on the shore.

We walked around, said good-buy to laguna and drove home.

To be continued…

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