Aconcagua. Matamico

Aconcagua. Start
Aconcagua. Puento del Lenas
Aconcagua. Casa de Piedra
Aconcagua. Base camp. Plaza Argentina
Aconcagua. Camp One. Cargo drop
Aconcagua. Camp One
Aconcagua. Camp Guanaco
Aconcagua. Сamp Colera.

This is Matamico aka Mountain caracara aka Phalcoboenus megalopterus, the visitor of Camp Colera.

Image the situation. Elevation 6000 metres, nothing alive around except alpinists, even lichen doesn’t grow here. And in such place appeared a huge bird (size of a really big hen) and started to walk around the camp, checking everything with its big bill. Of course, it impressed me.

Matamico is a South-American bird. They belong to the falcon family. In contrast to other falcons, they forgot about high speed and hunting and became a lazy omnivore. They eat carrion, small animals, insects and garbage. They especially love garbage and prefer to live near humans. They even ready to climb in so high elevation follow the humans.

Proud bird

Found something



The absolutely nice creature, I thing.

To be continued …

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