Circumpolar Race Around the World

This year is quite a weir, and we don’t have a chance for any fascinating adventure. Hoverer, a year without a big challenge is not a good year, so we decided to make a big challenge at home.

The virtual race around the world. Well, the race is virtual but running, biking and so on should be real.
The organizers decided that the equator or via polar circle are too boring, and most existed dryland should be covered, so the race moves along both Americas, Antarctica, Australis, Oceania, Asia, and Europe. See the line on my bib.

48550 km in total.

Well, it is for a team. A team is 10 persons. So, for each person only 4855 km. Our team wants gold medals, so we should to make the distance in 8 months. That means 20 km per day per person. Every day for 8 months. In average, of course.

There are two divisions – pure runners (they have more time) and multisport (running, biking, kayaking, swimming, anything, that move you by your muscle work. We, of course, choose multisport, because I cannot run so much, but bike makes it real.

Yesterday we started our first region -Latin America – Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama. 4009 km.

For a good start, I run 17 km and biked 95 km.

Progress of our team for the first day.

Follow for our movement around the world:)

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