Skagit Valley Cold Spring

Despite our untypically cold spring, tulips are blooming.

Fields of Skagit Valley.

Although at the time of our visit less than half of the tulips were in bloom, we saw a lot.

Roozengaarden is perfect as always, although the tulips were just partly open.

Muscari becomes bigger and bigger with every year.

And the colour is more varietal. Above Muscari Armeniaca, below Muscari latifolium.

Muscari White Magic

Giacintus save shape ad aroma, but colours varieties are amazing.

Daffodils varieties become close to the tulips. Colour, shape, numbers… it s difficult ow to find simple yellow daffodil.

Cum Laude, new variety

Apricot Whirl

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Scarlet O’Hara


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