Despite our attempt to start the year properly (how to start – the same way it goes, so we January 1st climbed the mountain and swam in the icy ocean), the year was not ideal.

To start, I was stacked in Canada for two months instead of two planned weeks. Thank you to my friends who sheltered me, but I was not able to do much during this time. After I worked for four months in Eastern Washington, which is very good itself, but this place was not created for hiking and sports stuff.

The positive side of my staking in Canada was the dramatic increase in ski days (compare with last year). My Canadian friends (thanks to them a lot) took me with them to their homes at ski resorts, and those were good days. I even skied once on Mt Baker, I missed with resort a lot.

Surprisingly I get back to nordic skiing. In my youth, I trained in this sport a lot, but with changing the continent I changed nordic skiing to alpine. This winter I tried nordic skiing again, and so liked it that even bought my own gear.

We even did some travelling.

Took the group on the “Wine and Water of North Burgundy” journey. Burgundy and its wines are beautiful. Also made a short visit to Lion and Chartreuse. Love those places.

Spend a week in Glacier park, hiking in abandoned places, but I will talk about it later.

Spent a week on the Yakima river, and it is also a separate story.

At a long weekend hiked in the mountains of Idaho and found that they are good.

After a long break Visited beautiful Cathedral Park.

Hiked a little bit in the neighbourhood mountains.

In the spring and autumn visited wineries and not only wineries of Washington and Oregon. Prosser balloon show again!

Visited quickly Florida, and met Nicol hurricane.

Flowers and animals are also presented, and it is good.

The cocktail project continues, and the new calendar is made.

And, of course, I forgot about something.

Starting to work on 2023 and keep hoping that it will be good.

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