Tulip festival in Skagit Valley

Every spring in Skagit Valley of Washington State you have a chance to feel yourself a little bit Dutch.

If you take Highway 5 south (I assume that you are Canadian), then as soon as you see a huge pipe ornamented with tulips near Mount Vernon, you are in the right place.

There is a huge number of tulip fields here, as well as a few daffodil and iris ones. I should say that it is difficult to catch the blooming of all three of these flowers at once: daffodils bloom earlier than tulips, and irises – later. Among all these immense flower fields there are two key places for the eye’s enjoyment – Roozengaarde and Tulip Town. Their official interactive map shows which fields are blooming at the present moment.

Roozengaarde is a farm established by real Dutch (I emphasize real, because the founders of many “Dutch”, “Bavarian” and other “European” places here have nothing common with their declared origin), and besides the fields it has a garden where the many varieties of tulips are aesthetically demonstrated.

Also you can find out whether you are enough of a tulip.

Valery Gergiev (it is the tulip’s name)

Orange monarch

Salmon parrot

Flowerbeds of tulips and daffodils separated by muscari streams.


Tulip endearments



Temple of Beauty

Tulip Town doesn’t have such a beautiful garden, but it has vibrant striped fields.



There is a special children service in Tulip town, so if you need new ones or don’t know what to do with existed ones, you are welcome (to try it).

Daffodil field.

And a couple of blooming crab-trees as a bonus for those who made their way though all tulip fields.

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