Spitsbergen. Under the airplane wing.

Spitsbergen. What, why, and how.
Spitsbergen. Voyage. Longyear
Spitsbergen. Ymerbukta
Spitsbergen. Esmarkbreen
Spitsbergen. Nansenbreen. Borebreen
Spitsbergen. Whiteout
Spitsbergen. Borebreen. Vintervegen
Spitsbergen. Klampebreen. Osbornebreen
Spitsbergen. Osbornebreen. Three Crowns
Spitsbergen. Fatumbreen
Spitsbergen. Kings Bay
Spitsbergen. Ny-Alesund

From Ny-Alesund to Longyear we flew by a little plane. This one. Here it is just before its parking to the hangar. We also left the airfield through the hangar. The plane belongs to a small private company that doesn’t use passenger utilities of the airport, everything is very private. The rifle and the luggage also were given to us by the pilots from hand to hand.

Ny-Alesund doesn’t have an airport at all, its role (as many others) are played by the administrative centre. A bus takes passengers from the administrative centre directly to the plane. The seats also don’t reserve, pilots distribute the places according to their ideas of the plane balance.

The plane flew slow and low, and we enjoyed the view of the glaciers that we passed by feet and the glacier that we didn’t passed yet. View from the sky especially empressed after you made the way on your own feet.
The pictures are made from old and unclear windows that brings additional impress to the images.

Airfield. No, the antenna doesn’t belong to airfields, it just a convenient place for its. The shed on the right – drone house. Drones fly here more often than airplanes.

Last view of Ny-Alesund civilisation.

This glacier disembogues into Kongsvegen, our way to the sea.


Gigant icy rivers and lakes with rocky peaks and ridges.

Another well-known glacier, Osbornbreen, we passed it from the bottom to the top. On the title photo, there are both Osbornbreens – Eastern and Western.


Not all glaciers are nice and smooth. This one is blood-brother of Wahlenbergbreen.

Movie from the other side of the plane.
from 2nd minutes – the cabin, where we spent the night, Kongsvegen and Kronenbreen;
from 2-50 the pass on our wat to Kongsvegen;
above Kongsvegen, from 3-24 the rock, at which bottom we spent the night descended from Osbormbreen;
from 4-45 very ragged glacier;
from 7-30 the fjord, landing in Longyear, and the plane parking

To be finished…

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