Autumn in the Rocky Mountains. Burstail Pass

Autumn in the Rocky Mountains. Pocaterra Ridge
Autumn in the Rocky Mountains. Moose
Autumn in the Rocky Mountains. Fair View Mountain
Autumn in the Rocky Mountains

Burstail Pass was our next hike among larches. 20 km, about 500 meters elevation gain. The weather was not perfect – some rain, some snow, little sunny breaks.

Start from the lake.

Couple moose had lunch on the opposite side of the lake, but they were too far to see them in details.

About five kilometres in the forest and we crossed the glacier river.

After a quick accent of elevation, we are among larches.

On the pass snow completely got us.

However, the sun appeared again at the descent and showed some nice reflections.

Near the lake, we met the moose, but he didn’t was in the mood to communicate with us.

Some leaves and liches for the end.

To be continued…

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