Dad of the year

Little bird jacana lives in Africa. More precisely, its name is African jacana aka Actophilornis africanus. There are eight jacana species; they live around the world, but all in tropics and they all are pretty similar.

First, jacana can walk on the water like on the dry land. Well, it is not really true, jacana doesn’t do it in a way of a lizard Basiliscus that literally can walk on the water. Jacanas live on the lakes, ponds and other reservoirs with calm water, and walk atop the leaves of water plants. To do this more easily jacanas grow out long leg with very long thin toes.

Such foot can keep jacana on leaves easily.

So, jacanas walk on the leaves and pick up from them insects and other invertebrates.

Second, jacanas have not only funny feet but also a funny family organization. They practice harems. Well, harems are not an unusual thing in nature, but a padishah in jacana’s harem is female. She is bigger than male and lives alone. After a honeymoon with one male, she leaves him with future kids, and moves to another husband, and after him to another, and so on. Then she has done with her last odalisk, the first one already released kids to the big wold, so she moves back to him. The tropical climate allows laying eggs year-round. She doesn’t care about her children, raising them is a man business. Jacana-dad carefully grows his children. He teaches them to walk atop oh leaves and catch them then they fell in the water. He warms them under his wings (he even ca run with chickens under the wings), protects them and love them. When kids grow up and leave him, he spends some time with his wife and gets another portion of kids.

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