Crystal Lake and its vicinity

At the beginning of September, my East-Coast friend visited me to hike a little bit. So, I took her on a couple of day hikes.

Our first hike was to Crystal Lake in Rainier NP.

I visited this lake twice before, but both times it was under snow (the lake locates at an elevation of 1700 meters). So, it was a chance to see the lake without ice.

The lake approaches are famous for their Mt Rainier view (first photo).

The lower lake is very shallow, with a muddy bottom.

Crystal Peak is right above the lake with the same name. We hiked it once, there is a nice view of the lake from the peak.

Upper lake. This time – no ice and snow. Moreover, the water was so warm, that I enjoyed swimming (real swimming from one lakeside to another and back, not just a quick dip). Another nice thing – the lake has a clean sand bottom. It is a very rare thing for a local mountain lake (actually, I have never met another one yet), usually rocks, mud, or both of them.

I was not alone swimming in the lake, but others preferred the floater.

After the good swim, we realized, that still had plenty of time, and decided to hike on the pass above the lake.

The lake below us.

And he pass just on the left.

Rainier dominates above everything here.

We are on the pass. The peak on the left is the origin of the three ridges and, accordingly, of three valleys – one with Crystal lake, one in from of us, and one behind the ridge.

There is a trail to the next ridge (famous PCT, by the way), and we follow it to see what is behind the ridge.

Valley on the left.

The trail to the next pass.

Behind the second pass is another lake.

And this is not Rainier anymore, this is Adams.

Going back.

The trail to our pass.

Our pass.

Back to our valley, way to the lake. Rainier again.

This year mountain ashes have plenty of berries. Siberian (or Russian) folk belief says, that this means a very cold winter. I hope it is not work in America.

On the lake, we had lunch and another good swim.

Under the eyes of the local marmots.

And the way back. Lower lake.

Nice lake, want to go again.

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