Ingalls Lake and South Peak

Ingalls Lake we visited once before, and I wanted to come again for flower blooming and yellow larches.

In the middle of September, we came here hoping to see larches. The sky was covered with the smoke of nearby forest fires (last three years we have had a lot of forest fires), but, at least, the air was clear enough to not smell it.

No larches for us. Well, of course, they were here, but they were still green. This year the spring started a month later than usual, and the fall also was not in a hurry, so everything was in delay.

The smoke is partly blown off, and some blue sky appears.

The larch shows that it will be yellow, but not right now.

Here is the lake.

From the lake, we decided to climb Ingalls South Peak.

On our way, we met snow goat. It lay on the trail and enjoyed a dust bath. He didn’t have any intention to move our way, so we bypassed him.

I will show more of him separately.

Goat’s paparazzi.

Continue to go up.

Some flowers among rocks.

On the pass, looking around.

Now, to the top.

This yellow crack is a trail actually.

On the top.


The pass, from where we came, and where we would descend now. The left is in the left corner.

The goat was in the same place. We even had some tea near him, he didn’t care.

The good lake would be glad to come again.

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