Kamiak Butte and Balsamorhiza

This summer (well, extended summer) I spent in Pullman. It is in WA state, but just right on the border with Idaho.
There is nothing to do in Pullman except work.
Well, the internet doesn’t turn off, and you have all deepness of your mind, but it is not what I am talking about.
The whole population of the town is divided between the University and farms. The tone is surrounded by endless fields of lentils, canola, wheat, rye, barley…
Very scenic, but no place for hiking at a reasonable distance.
Well, Idaho has beautiful mountains and forests, but it takes several hours of driving to reach it.

The only close place for a walk is Kamiak Butte, county park, half an hour by car from Pullman. Actually, it is a hill surrounded by fields with preserved wild flora. And with a 6 km trail. The most popular place for Pullnam inhabitants for hiking. I visited this place almost every visit to Pullman. This spring was no exception.

beautiful views, and nice flowers in the springtime.

May is a time for Balsamorhiza bloom.

And not only Balsamorhiza.

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