
I like to read in a bed. Also I like have morning coffee in the bed when I have a lazy morning. Unfortunately, a wall is not the best thing for half-seat position undependably how to arrange the pillows. Last year in one hotel on Hawaii . . . → Continue reading Woodworking

Tree for antipodes who in love with Champagne

Dry plant (tumbleweed) and Champagne corks.

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Another Visit to the Iron People of Raymond

I already introduced you the iron people of Raymond. At this time they celebrated somethings.

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The Town and its Iron iInhabitants

Raymond, a little town on the south-west of Washington state is notable for its inhabitants. People, animals and birds live here like in any other town of state, but they are not from flesh and blood. They are made from iron, and they are all pretty rusty. . . . → Continue reading The Town and its Iron iInhabitants

Washington farms

Washington state is not only Boeing, Microsoft and Amazon. It is also wine, cherries and apples. And stock raisin of some sort…

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