Eastern Island. Part Five

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four

So, the aborigines suddenly appeared out of the thin air. Actually, they appeared from underground. Eastern Island, as any volcanic island, is completely . . . → Continue reading Eastern Island. Part Five

Eastern Island. Part Four

Part One Part Two Part Three

This studio of huge-form sculptors flourished until the beginning of the XIV century increasing production rate and size of the products.

However, the islanders produced not only stone giants, they . . . → Continue reading Eastern Island. Part Four

Eastern Island. Part Three

Part One Part Two

Thus, the proper place for moai is a ceremonial platform ahu. Such platforms exist on the other Polynesian islands also and serve as a connection between the world of life and another world, if such . . . → Continue reading Eastern Island. Part Three

Eastern Island. Part Two

Part One

Thus, Hotu-Matu’a people settled on the island. They build huts and small boats for fishing, planted yams and raised hens.

And one day they become boring. The Polynesian economy doesn’t require too much . . . → Continue reading Eastern Island. Part Two

Eastern Island. Part One

In my childhood, I engrossed myself into the books of Thor Heyerdahl. I dreamed about balsa rafts, papyrus boats, and huge stone statues moai, that slowly walked on their own on the little island in the middle of the ocean. So, when we unexpectedly and in the . . . → Continue reading Eastern Island. Part One