Oregon beaches

Summer memories of last year.

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Vicinity of Mount Jefferson

Oregon, beginning of July

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Finally, the last and smallest part of John Day National Monument, Clarno Unit. Lava rocks and fossils.

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Sheep Rock

Sheep Rock is other part of John Day National Monument.

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Painted Hills

For a long time I though that Oregon is ocean beaches, waterfalls, and volcanoes. In fact Oregon is mainly the prairies with tumbleweeds and wind-mills. You can drive hours by hours and nothing will changes around you. In the middle of this unchangeable landscape there is a . . . → Continue reading Painted Hills

Mount Hood

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We tried climb Mount Hood that is in the Oregon state in last October, but was stopped very close to the summit by strong rockfalls. This debt didn’t give us to sleep peacefully, so . . . → Continue reading Mount Hood

Mount Hood – first attempt – October 2012

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The first attempt to climb Mt Hood was made six month ago, in the beginning of October 2012. When I have climbed Mt Adams, St Helen and other mountains of the Washington State south, the . . . → Continue reading Mount Hood – first attempt – October 2012