Mountain (snow) goats

It is not very easy to meet mountain (snow) goats, especially meet face to face. They live pretty high in the mountains and there are only several places their you can meet them close enough. One of such places is Cathedral Park, where they come down to the lakes in the fall. I visited the park several years ago, and met a lot of the goats, but my camera fell in coma immediately after I so the first goat that is a usual trouble with my photography experience. As soon as I meet something really rear, my camera doesn’t want to work for different reasons, although usually it is very reliable. This time my camera worked perfectly, but goats appeared only once. Nothing is perfect.

Goats came when we relaxed on the lake side and discussed where they can be.
Mother with baby

They are very fluffy from the horns to the hoofs, very pure and combed.

Baby is very severe.

Walked along us

Tail is very short

They leave by the trail along the lake

Captured them in the forest.

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