Spring skiing

Finally, I got some skiing in this season and spent four days on Big White. I love spring skiing at this resort: the snow is still good, but it is warm and sunny. More snow photos:

. . . → Continue reading Spring skiing

I am back!

I am back! Last month I spend in South America out of civilization. The highest result of my trip in Andes is Mount Aconcagua – the highest mountain in the Western and South hemispheres, 6 961 meters. A long story with many photos will be soon.

Happy New . . . → Continue reading I am back!

Mt Rainier – 2014

If you live in Washington state, you have no chance to avoid Rainier climbing at least once in couple years. In 2014 we decided to spend night higher when usual, maybe even in the crater. Muir rout . . . → Continue reading Mt Rainier – 2014

Annual meeting with Snow Ghosts

Skiing with friends on Big White became good annual tradition. This year I spent here four days in the middle of February. Pure pleasure. And photos of snow ghost, of course:

. . . → Continue reading Annual meeting with Snow Ghosts

Ancient Volcanic Glory

My first non-winter visit to Mt St Helen was at the end of March 2015. Mount St. Helens is an active stratovolcano about 100 km south of Seattle. History of its activity is fresh even from human point of view, not only from volcanic ones. In . . . → Continue reading Ancient Volcanic Glory

AT skiing on Mt St Helens

A week ago we spent day on Mt St Helens slopes. Last years we did it several times already, but this mountain is worth it. If at out first winter climb on St Helens we were alone on the whole mountain, this time the parking lot . . . → Continue reading AT skiing on Mt St Helens

Snow Goats

I have promised plenty of snow goats from our hike to Enchantment Lakes, and I keep my promises. It was really a lot of them.

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Enchantment Lakes in July

We have visited Enchantment Lakes thrice already (fall, spring), but we never been in July here, so, when our friend invited us to share their permit (during the season you need permit that is very difficult to . . . → Continue reading Enchantment Lakes in July

Mount Daniel

At the end of the August we hiked Mount Daniel in Central Washington. It is highest peak in the region, 2408 meters altitude. The hike is about 30 km both ways with elevation gain about 1500 meters. About half . . . → Continue reading Mount Daniel

Marmot dinner

More of marmot: