Mount Baker and Snow Owls

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These photos were taken in the middle of January. Second year snow owls spend a winter on the northern west coast. This time it was difficult to come close enough, but at leas the view . . . → Continue reading Mount Baker and Snow Owls

White silence

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Mount Seymour couple weeks ago. There was a fog mixed with clouds, wet snow and complete whiteout.

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Elfin Lakes

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It was March 2011. Unexpectedly sun was turned on on weekend and we took our snowshoes and went to Elfin Lake that is in the Garibaldi Park. Ofiticl trail description. The trail is 22 kilometers return and elevation . . . → Continue reading Elfin Lakes

Larches in the Cathedral Park

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Do you want more golden larches from Cathedral Park? I have them. Hiking form the Ladyslipper Lake to the ridge.

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The Door in the Summer (Mintergarden)

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Mintergarden is a beautiful garden in the Chilliwak, BC. These photos were made in the late may.

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Cathedral Park – Ladyslipper Lake

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On our second day in the park we went to the Ladislipper Lake. The trail to the lake goes though larch forest.

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Mountain (snow) goats

It is not very easy to meet mountain (snow) goats, especially meet face to face. They live pretty high in the mountains and there are only several places their you can meet them close enough. One of such places is Cathedral Park, where they come down . . . → Continue reading Mountain (snow) goats

Cathedral Park – Goat Lake

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Cathedral Park on the south of British Columbia is the place that really worth to visit, but it is not easy to get where. Of course, it is much easy than do orbital flight . . . → Continue reading Cathedral Park – Goat Lake

Bridges of the past

I love passionately non-alive wood: logs, trunks, whitened by wind and sun tree carcases, knotted boughs, thick pieces of bark. It is pure aesthetic love. Of course, alive plants I love also, but it is very different things. So, a lot of whilom bridges and water.

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Pika from Cathedral Park, British Columbia.

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