Garibaldi Lake in March

Ski trip to the Garibaldi lake in the beginning of March.
Everything was not going smooth right from the morning. From start I mixed the roads and instead of parking lot for the trail to Garibaldi lake we found our-self on the parking lot for the trail to Elfin Lakes. Spend several minutes trying to understand how it was happen, turned back, and driven to correct place. Surprisingly we fount that the road to Garibaldi lake parking lot doesn’t cleaned from the snow in winter (officially, they even put sign about it on the road). It is only several kilometers, but fact itself worried us. Some person told me that plenty of people skiing and snowshoeing to Garibaldi lake and far beyond in the winter, and accordingly there is a smooth trail to the lake at any season. The road to the parking lot completely covered by snow without any traces on it brought some doubts about reality of this opinion.

Turn back is not in our habit, so we put our ski on and went forward. First two kilometers the trail was smooth just because there was not snow on it. Last days on this elevation was rain and all snow melt. But as soon as we passed the elevation of freezing point the trail quickly covered by snow. After 4 kilometers it was knee deep snow (knee deep on ski!). And and become deeper and deeper every 100 meters up. Trail completely disappeared under the snow. It become clear that nobody was here for weeks. Through first lake we went directly because it was impossible to find trail in the forest.


The bridge via the spring. The bridge is very narrow and very high above the spring. The snow on the bridge is higher than human height. You ski on this narrow long snowdrift and thinking to that side is better to fall if this snowdrift start to move from the bridge under the you.

The next trail lost just before Garibaldi Lake.

To the lake we skied just simply by the creek.


No traces of people at all, but the weather is nice and place around is really beautiful.

Here we found unsteady snowdrifts. You stay on it and it slowly engulfs you in its depths. Look like there was a water without ice under the deep snow.



Came to the cabin on the lake side.

It took us 6 ours to came to the cabin opposite regular 2-3 in summer time.

While we drank tea before going back, the man appeared from the forest on our ski trail. It was Tuesday, not even weekend, nobody was here before for a long time, but as soon as we made first trail, immediately somebody started to use it! “Thank you!- he said to us, – for making the trail. It took me 4 hours even with your trail, and without it I was be crazy”. “You are welcome, – told we to him in voice, but though to our-self -but why not opposite? The couple his baddy also came.


Mount Price.

On our way back.


After 5 people (including us) the trail become mach smother and went back was mach easy.

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