
I am back from our ski trip on Spitsbergen. 25 days as a one very long day (because, if the Sun doesn’t set, the day doesn’t end). Polar region, 78 degree, Svalbard archipelago. Three weeks of skiing along endless glaciers. White, black and blue.

Spitsbergen is beautiful, . . . → Continue reading Spitsbergen

Spring skiing

Finally, I got some skiing in this season and spent four days on Big White. I love spring skiing at this resort: the snow is still good, but it is warm and sunny. More snow photos:

. . . → Continue reading Spring skiing

Annual meeting with Snow Ghosts

Skiing with friends on Big White became good annual tradition. This year I spent here four days in the middle of February. Pure pleasure. And photos of snow ghost, of course:

. . . → Continue reading Annual meeting with Snow Ghosts

AT skiing on Mt St Helens

A week ago we spent day on Mt St Helens slopes. Last years we did it several times already, but this mountain is worth it. If at out first winter climb on St Helens we were alone on the whole mountain, this time the parking lot . . . → Continue reading AT skiing on Mt St Helens

Skiing among Snow Ghosts

Three days of New Year vacation on Big White with friends. Skiing under winter sun with snow ghosts.

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Mt Brew – ski version

Two weeks ago I skied to Mt Brew and it was perfect trip.

Hike to Mt Brew in summer version can be viewed here.

First time I tried skied to Mt Brew in 2012, at the beginning of my friendship with AT ski, but we . . . → Continue reading Mt Brew – ski version

Snow horse

Big White

Two weeks ago I skied on Big White ski resort that is near Kelowna, BC. It was my first time there and it was really nice. A lot of soft snow and even some sun. The only bad thing about Big White that it is much . . . → Continue reading Big White

Garibaldi Lake in March

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Ski trip to the Garibaldi lake in the beginning of March. Everything was not going smooth right from the morning. From start I mixed the roads and instead of parking lot for the trail to . . . → Continue reading Garibaldi Lake in March

Elfin Lakes

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It was March 2011. Unexpectedly sun was turned on on weekend and we took our snowshoes and went to Elfin Lake that is in the Garibaldi Park. Ofiticl trail description. The trail is 22 kilometers return and elevation . . . → Continue reading Elfin Lakes