Mount Hood

We tried climb Mount Hood that is in the Oregon state in last October, but was stopped very close to the summit by strong rockfalls. This debt didn’t give us to sleep peacefully, so on the last day of March second attempt was assigned. March 30 we were in Hood River town, and at 6 am of March 31 we were on our way to the mountain.

Mount Hood from the road.(This and next photos are made on the next day, because on the day of climbing we passed this place under the moon yet.)

The trail to the mountain starts from parking of ski resort, we came to the parking, looked around and realized that something is wrong: the parking is definitely not the same as six months before, and mountain looks strange… Either we are still sleeping, or there are more then one ski resort on the slopes of Mount Hood. Decided that second assumption is more advantageous for us, we turned around and went for other parking search. Surprisingly, but we found it. End even correct one.
Breakfast in the car, last packing, and at 8 am we were on the ski and on our way to summit.
View from the parking lot:

From all groups decided to visit Mount Hood that day our was one before last for the start. Many people started at 3 am, some even at 11 pm of previous day (there is a self-registration for climbers in the lodge, so you cal look when previous groups started).
If you remember our fall climbing, pay attention now to the ski. Yes, in fall we walked on the very loose scree suffering from dust, but now we skied on pure snow breathing fresh air. Well, relatively fresh is count sulfur fumes, but at least no dust at all. Snow tome for this mountain is preferable.

View to Mount Jefferson, next volcano in our plans:

Last trails of resort skier:

First early-birds already coming back. Well, descent by paraplan is much quicker than by feet.

By the way, Hood s ideal mountain for paparlan.

Continue to climb up.

Came to the crater. We left ski here because it becomes really steep and continued to climb on crampons.

Rocks whimsically covered by snow.

Volcano is alive and you start to feel sulfur fumes right after ski trails.

Trail to the summit.


Last, mostly steep meters to the crater rim.

Beautiful rocks in snow are around.

From the crater rim.

We are on the summit (3420 meters), view to the crater rim.

I already was on all these volcanoes. From the left to the right: St Helen, Rainier, Adams:

Spent some time on the summit, drank tea, eat sandwiches and went down. More rocks on the the way back. Cannot resist, they are such nice.

Rocks in the crater at sunset.

In the crater I realized that my headache become awfully strong. Sulfur fumes made their bed business. Last time it was the same.

Came to our skies, put them on and started ski down. Somebody told that Hood is pig’s heaven for skier. It is true.

Unfortunately I could not enjoy the skiing in full, because mu headache increase awfully. Sulfur fume is not really healthy atmosphere. Hood is beautiful and interesting mountain, but very poison.

Mount Hood from other foreshortening (next day photo).

And the view to the Mount Adams from the road.

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