North Coast Trail — Day two

North Coast Trail – road and first day

Morning of the second day didn’t bring any changes into wildlife viewing in the Skinner Creek estuary. But the amount of traces significantly increased.

We packed and moved along the bizarre wood pieces.

At some point we came to the rock in water near the seaside and stopped for some climbing.

Small flock of harlequin ducks.

Dry parts of same algae that looks like as dried tracheas. Coast in this place was covered by them.

Behind the rock the wildlife was detected. Unfortunately it was not really live.

Next step was crossing of Nahwitti River. The river is too big for crossing by foot, but trail description promised the sort of funicular. Cables are detected.

Drawing the funicular from other bank.

According instruction two person can use it at the same time. Because only one human and one backpack can fit in the funicular, the backpack can be described as person.

If on the right bank the platform of funicular stays on the ground, on the left back it is pretty high.

River upstream from the funicular.

And downstream

From river the trail goes firs via swampy forest, and after keeps its way via long cascade of stairs to the chain of little pebble beaches separated by rocks.

Beaches are really nice and have plenty of inhabitants of tide zone.


Little sea urchin on the walk




We hiked from beach to beach.

Some of them have nice groats.

Secret gate between two coves.

Another climb around.

Trees on the rocks

At the sunset came into the small cove. We did it at the last moment, just before the high tide shut all entrance. The cove had the groat for the tent, little spring, plenty of dry wood and the best view. What also necessary for night place?

Got supper, spent some time near the fire and went to sleep.

North Coast Trail — день третий
North Coast Trail — день четвертый
North Coast Trail — день пятый
North Coast Trail — день шестой и седьмой, завершающий

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